
國立中興大學理學院科教中心科技論文競賽 徵稿延長至6月4日

  I. Aim of the competition
For stimulating students' research atmosphere, improving presentation skills, and encouraging students to publish and demonstrate the achievements of academic research, we organize this scientific paper competition for all students of the National Chung Hsing University.

  II. Eligibility
All enrolled students of our school are welcome and qualified to participate in this competition. There are five research fields: chemistry, mathematics, physics, computer science, and biology; participants must specifically choose one of which to submit your articles.

  III. Competition rules
The whole competition is composed of a preliminary screening and a final stage, as explained below:
       1. Preliminary screening
(1) Conducted by an online review.
(2) All submitted articles must strictly follow the requirements given below: at least 4 pages (A4 paper size); the font type uses“Times New Roman”; the font size is 12 pts; the line spacing is 1.5 times the line height; it is required to have the signature of your advisor.
(3) The content of each submitted paper must be arranged in accordance with the following subsections: English abstract; introduction; methods and materials; results and discussions; references.
(4) In this stage, the screening standard is based on originality, technicality, completeness, and logical structure.
       2. Final (carried out by posters)
(1) The dimension of each poster is of 80 cm wide and 100 cm long.
(2) The sponsor will provide all finalists with poster-shelves.
(3) For each finalist, the oral presentation will last about 10 minutes (including responses to questions raised by reviewers).
(4) The scoring items include: poster presentation, content integrity, presentation skills, etc.

    IV. Competition Awards
The following awards will be awarded for each field:
1. The first place winner, awarded the prize of NT $10,000 along with a certificate of merit.
2. The second place winner, awarded the prize of NT $5,000 along with a certificate of merit.
3. The third place winner, awarded the prize of NT $3,000 along with a certificate of merit.
4. A number of Honorable Mention Awards, awarded certificates of merit.

    V. Important dates
1. Deadline for the preliminary screening: from now on until June 4, 2021.
2. The announcement of finalists: June 25, 2021.
3. Oral presentations for finalists: Due To COVID-19, New Date Will Be Announced Later

    VI. Others
1. Please submit the electronic files in “PDF” format to the mailbox: “nchusec@nchu.edu.tw” before June 4, 2021. Your submission process will be completed after receiving our confirmed reply; otherwise, please reach our contact person shown at the end of this page.
2. Please prepare the email subject as “the designated field of your paper---the affiliation (e.g., department or institute)---your full name;”. In addition, the content of your email needs to include the following information: your present degree-level (e.g., B.S., M.S., or Ph. D.), full name, title of thesis, and the full name of your advisor.
3. The sponsor keeps the right to decline any paper violating our application regulations and involving issues related to academic ethics.
4. The name list of finalists after undergoing the preliminary screening will be announced on the website of Center of Science Education College of Science” http://cse.nchu.edu.tw” on June 25, 2021. Participants will not be informed when failing to be selected into the final.

    VII. Contact Information
1. Contact person:  Miss Hsu
2. Tel:  04-22840137 # 13
3. Address:  402, 4th Floor, Science Building, No. 145 Xingda Road, South District, Taichung City
4. Email:  nchusec@nchu.edu.tw


      2.審查資料以A4紙張直式橫打雙面製作,字體中文請採標楷體字型,英文及數字請採 Times New Roman、
字體12大小、行距  1.5倍行高,最少4頁並需有指導教授簽名


      1.稿件請於 110年6月4日(星期五)之前,將文件電子檔PDF檔格式傳送至指定信箱 nchusec@nchu.edu.tw,

      4.初賽審查結果將於 110年6月25日(星期五)公佈於科學教育中心網站 http://cse.nchu.edu.tw ,審查未獲通過之

      3.地址:402 台中市南區興大路145號 理學大樓四樓

八、贊助單位 : 米堤大飯店、建程教育基金會