

Across 100 Years of the time-space party: Concerto of Einstein, Hawking, and Penrose

Exhibition Date: March 13 - March 29 (2024)
Main Exhibition Area: Lobby of the College of Science, National Chung Hsing University
Themed Book Exhibition Area: 4th Floor, Main Library, National Chung Hsing University
Themed Film Exhibition: Multimedia Center, 3rd Floor, Main Library, National Chung Hsing University  
歡迎線上預約實體圖書或電子書(點擊查看)/Check here  to view the online book exhibition.

3月14日在科學史上具有其特別的意義:1879年著名的物理學家愛因斯坦在這一天誕生,而在2018年物理學家霍金在這一天逝世;因為圓周率π,3月14日被定為國際數學日。透過這樣的時間選擇,我們希望以3.14為開端並以在黑洞、時空結構和宇宙學有重要貢獻的三位科學家—愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein),霍金(Stephen Hawking),潘洛斯(Roger Penrose) 為主角,帶著大家走入一場穿越時空100年的科學之旅。
March 14 holds special significance in the history of science: in 1879, the famous physicist Einstein was born on this day, while in 2018, physicist Hawking passed away. Additionally, March 14 is designated as International Pi Day due to the mathematical constant π. Through this deliberate timing, we aim to embark on a scientific journey that starts with 3.14 and revolves around three distinguished scientists—Einstein, Hawking, and Penrose—who have made significant contributions to black holes, spacetime structures, and cosmology. Join us as we delve into a scientific expedition spanning 100 years across the fabric of time and space.

協辦單位:國立中興大學物理學系、應用數學系、教育部女性 STEM 計畫:「重新打造女性 STEM 環境,攜手邁向新創時代」
 Organizers: Center of Science Education, College of Science, National Chung Hsing University, and National Chung Hsing University Library Co-organizers: Department of Physics, Department of Applied Mathematics, Ministry of Education Women in STEM Program: "重新打造女性 STEM 環境,攜手邁向新創時代"